Wednesday, April 30, 2008

aT iT aGaiN????

About 18.6 million toys were being recalled and over 400,000 had been pulled off shelves due to the levels of toxic lead paint. Whether or no China is too blame for they toy recalls, which could lead to no more trade with or at higher expense. Lead paint is very dangerous and could cause serious developmental disorders to a child who ingests it. The Chinese should be careful of what paint is being used to on the toys, for a simple reason that it could harm someone. Plus the company that painted these toys’ violated Mattel’s safety policy, which lead paint is banned in the “west”. Other toys have also been recalled for the safety of the product. The Chinese are not at fault for the way that it’s been manufacture, it’s the engineers who create the toy and china just supplies us with the finished product. For example, some toys had small magnets that could get stuck in children's guts??? We all know small pieces aren't meant for children in the first place. This incident was not the Chinese fault, because this toy could have been created in the United States and would have been manufactured the same way. In order to prevent this problem in the future, each batch of toys that are imported should be tested for safety. There for in conclusion, parents will just have to decide weather their child will play with the toys or not. Although "Avoid toys painted with red paint; this is the most common color contaminated with lead." Some tips to help keep the contaminated toys out of the hands of children....Unsafe products are just a fact of life, U.S. had its share in unsafe products: Firestone tires??? Yes, e-coli in some products...everyone has had unsafe products and its just something we have to be more cautious about.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Visual Argument??? AniMAL MediCAL reSEArch

Animal experimentation has been practiced for several yeas now. In fact “The earliest references to animal experimentation were found in the writings of Greek-philosopher-physicians of the third and fourth centuries BC. Aristotle (384-322 BC) was the "first to have made dissections which revealed internal differences among animals" and Erasistratus (304-258 BC) was most likely the first to perform experiments on living animals” [Cohen BJ and Loew FM]. Throughout the centuries of animal experimentation, it has made a great impact on medicine, such as the development of antibiotics, surgical techniques and vaccines. Within the past fifty years people argued that animal experimentation is cruel and unethical, while others argue that animal experimentation is the only way scientists can discover medical breakthroughs. Animals are being experimented on for biochemical research, product security and evaluation, and for education, which benefits both human and animal life. Animal experimentation should be pursued without question because, it is crucial to human life, it has advanced in the field of medicine, and animals serve as a useful purpose because alternatives don’t always work. Therefore, I propose that animal research should not be taken away from medical research because it has advanced our medicine in the past, present and will continue to in the future.
Animal experimentation is critical for human life as well as animal life. Imagine this world without chemotherapy, antibiotics, organ transplants and joint replacements. I’m sure that this world would have been difficult without these discoveries because everyday millions of people are in need of each one of the discoveries. Animal experimentation is important in improving human health because it has helped discover many treatments such as the polio vaccine. “Polio, short for poliomyelitis, is a viral
disease that can damage the nervous system and cause paralysis. Since polio immunization has become widespread in the United States, cases of polio are rare”
[DHPE]. According to Animal Experimentation Is Always Justified, the polio vaccine was introduced in 1961 and it was developed through experimentation on monkeys. Also animal experimentation is vital to human life because it has helped and will continue to help scientist develop life-saving medication which several people are using today. For instance, insulin for diabetes was developed through animal experimentation. Insulin helps diabetics because insulin aids the cells which then obtains glucose and then converts it into energy. Many other cures and treatments have been found through animal experimentation, such as rescue inhalers for asthma patients and also to “include the discovery of penicillin, treatments for hemophilia and childhood leukemia, and the development and trials of vaccines for meningitis in children” [Cook].
Animals have served us a great purpose for medicine, our food source and companionship and if an animal can serve a greater purpose for human life, it should be pursued. However, most individuals think that human and animals are two completely different species. According to Americans for Medical Progress, “Animals are biologically similar to humans in many ways and they are vulnerable to over two hundred of the same health problems.” This is why animals are experimented on because they have similar organ systems and the way things are processed in the body are also similar to humans. Since animals serve such a great purpose we often use the animals for testing to see if the drugs are too strong, to weak or even to dangerous. Scientists infect animals with viruses, which helps find a new treatment or vaccines, which the scientist can study,
the effects of the illness at the same time. Also experimenting drugs on animals could and will help scientist develop new drugs for medication or even help improve old ones.
Animals have always been a part of human life, but activists feel that animal experimentation is cruel and unethical. Several animals are being killed daily but not just for research, but also for the meat we eat. Activist aren’t protesting that we should stop eating meat, or drinking milk and eating eggs because over a billion cows and chicken die each year for milk, eggs and meat products that we eat. Activists just need to let scientists do their job because it could end up saving their own life or a loved ones life. Scientist are experimenting on animals, but not to intentionally hurt the animals, but it’s to help save lives of others. Since animals can provide us with such great purpose, of coarse we would take the advantage to progress in medical research. “Before any laboratory animals are used we must ask, Is this research necessary? Can this information be obtained without animals? With fewer animals? With less pain” [Pardue]? Scientist need the support of everyone because “there are people who want to stop medical progress and are using a variety of tactics to publicize their message from mild to extreme and life threatening” [Cook]. Scientist should deserve more credit for what they have been doing for us, then what they are now, because scientists don’t receive enough credit from the public.
In April of 2008, survey’s show that 59 percent of people were for animal testing, 27 percent were against animal testing and the other 14 percent were undecided about animal medical experimentation [Wal-Mart]. In 2005, the United States reported that 1,177,566 animals were used for research. Out of 1,177,566 only 84,662 animals were
reported that had pain with no drugs. Less than a quarter of animals reported had pain with no drugs administered to them. Out of 1,177,566 425,171 had pain but were treated with drugs and the other 667,733 had no pain or no drugs given to them [AWA Inspections]. “In 2000, about $45 billion was spent in the United States for biomedical research. This figure includes all research, not only research with animals and it includes both government and private funding” [FBR]. According to MSNBC, the United States has spent $95 billion a year on medical research. Statistics show that every year more money is spent on medical research; due to the different types of medical research conducted not all research is conducted on animals.
Alternatives to animal testing should be pursued if the technology will provide results as efficient as animals do for us. Alternatives such as stem cell research, which work but only to a certain point, should be pursed to the best of its abilities. The down fall about stem cell research is when a scientist test drugs on a cell, the scientist doesn’t actually get to see how the whole entire body will react to the drug, and that is very important due to many medications have side effects. Stem cell research is used as an alternative for assessing potential toxicity to developing embryos, which has partially replaced for birth defect testing in rats and rabbits. The EpiDerm test, human skin model test, has almost replace skin corrosion studies in rabbits [PETA]. According to the EPA and the National Institute of Health, they have launched a chemical testing collaboration project that could ultimately reduce the use of laboratory animals for research into potential adverse health effects of a broad range of chemicals. This technology would help reduce time and money spent on animal experimentation. The down fall about this is
that it could take years to switch from animal testing to this technology because of the time needed to validate new scientific methods [Sissell]. In time, it could be possible that electronics or other technology could replace some animals from being tested on, but alternatives could never fully replace animal experimentation like everyone wants them to.
In the future scientists will be able to find a cure for cancer and HIV/AIDS. But what if animal experimentation was to be absolutely stopped, what would happen to research on cancer, heart disease and AIDS and would the progress in treatments and cures for such illnesses also come to a complete stop? When scientist find cures for cancer and HIV/AIDS then millions of lives will be saved, but the only way a cure for
theses medical illnesses will be through animal experimentation. Doctor Dobursin believes, “The only way a vaccine or cure for AIDS will be developed, will be through animal experimentation.” I also agree with my family doctor, because I feel that only scientific medical research on animals will help us discover many more vaccines and cures especially for AIDS and cancer. According to the Foundation for Biomedical Research, “A study by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services concluded that animal research has helped increase our life expectancy by 23.5 years.” If animal experimentation was taken away from scientific research, then more lives will be lost and unfortunately it would be impossible to discover more cures and treatments. Animals have always been a human need, and to make sure scientists can discover new and improved cures and vaccines, animals are our best models yet, to experiment on.

Works Cited
“Alternatives: Testing Without Torture.” PETA Media Center. 25 Mar. 2008

Animal Experimentation Is Always Justified."Opposing Viewpoints Digests: Animal Rights. Jennifer A. Hurley. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1999. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Gateway Community College (AZ). 28 Mar. 2008 .

“Animal Research.” Americans for Medical progress. 2006. 24 Mar. 2008 RESEARCH.htm

AWA INSPECTIONS. Animals Used In Research. 18 Apr. 2008. df

Cohen BJ and Loew FM (1984) Laboratory Animal Medicine: Historical Perspectives in Laboratory Animal Medicine (eds J.G. Fox, B.J. Cohen and F.M. Loew) Academic Press, Inc., Orlando, Florida.

Cook, Kristina. “Why Animal Research is Important AND Needed: A Copy of the Speech I Gave on the February 25th Demonstration” Pro-test: Stand Up For Science. 14 Apr. 2008. nd_nee&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1
Directors of Health Promotion and Education. “Polio”. 19 Apr. 2008
Dobursin, Richard. Personal Interview. 16 Apr. 2008.

Foundation for Biomedical Research. “Quick Facts about Animal Research.” 15 Apr. 2008.

MSNBC. “$95 billion a year spent on medical research-Report questions whether money is well spent on important diseases.” 20 Sept. 2005. 21 Apr. 2008.

Pardue, Leslie. “Alternatives to Animal testing Should Be Pursued.” At Issue Animal Experimentation. Ed. David M. Haugen. San Diego: Greenheaven Press, 2000. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Gateway Community College (AZ). 31 Mar. 2008 trieve&tabIDT010&prodld=OVRC&docld=EJ3010002216&source=gale&srcpro d=OVRC&userGroupName=mcc_gateway&version=1.0

Sissell, Kara. “Research Deal May Shift Chemical Testing from Animal to Robots.” Chemical Week. 2 Feb. 2008 170-6. Pg.11. 28 Mar. 2008

Wal-Mart. Survey. 12 Apr. 2008.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Research Process

The research process for animal experimentation is very interesting because i have found out a lot of different information about certain animals being tested, and they are treated. Unfortunately, animal seem to be harmed in most cases and its very disturbing, although animal research have made some huge breaks with cures and so on, its still not human to let them suffer. The research process is very interesting and writing the annotated bibliography isn't so much fun but will soon help with my visual argument. This research process has just begun for me and m argument is getting even better. I haven't run into any difficulties but as Mr. Jolly said it is time consuming...and yes it is very time consuming....which is not fun at all. :(

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Response about Assignment TWO!!

As i was writing about essay two....i ran into a lot of different isses. I wrote about the lead based paint in the recalls that had happened in 2007. easy subject to find material and evidence. but i was starting to put my work together and kept coming up with other ways to write this essay and i kept thinking to myself...hmm am i doing this right??? thats when i e-mailed Mr. Jolly, he gave me some advise and it put me on the right track to where i needed to go with this assignment. Over spring break i have conducted my final draft and then once i had finish it, i put it aside for two days then read the assignment sheet over again to make sure everything was supposed to be in my essay that was required. Then i re-read my essay and figured out that i really was off track from what was expected. Then i finally got some others opinions on my paper and decided to rewrite it from the begining. I had become stuck in some sreas and decided to just keep re-reading the assignment two instruction untill i was clear about it. I realized i spent over half my spring break reading this instruction sheet[seriously sad] but i have more confidence in my paper then i did before spring break.
And of coarse we all know when we read the instructions it says Is your system better then others? we all think it is because its what we believe in, but we all know we are right sometimes and wrong sometimes, im undecided about that question for that reason.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Response To An Online Article

Prescription drugs found in drinking water across U.S.-

Although pharmaceuticals have been found in our drinking water, it is still safe to drink the water. The AP has tested certain areas of the U.S. including Southern California to Northern New Jersey, from Detroit, Michigan, to Louisville, Kentucky. These drugs are in are drinking water because the body only absorbs so much of it and then it passes through us and into the toilet where it is flushed away. But the big question is, well why don't treatment centers get rid of drug residue in our drinking water? "Officials in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, said testing there discovered 56 pharmaceuticals or byproducts in treated drinking water, including medicines for pain, infection, high cholesterol, asthma, epilepsy, mental illness and heart problems. Sixty-three pharmaceuticals or byproducts were found in the city's watersheds." That's' a lot of drugs in our drinking water, makes you wonder will it really effect us in the long run. We all have been drinking water for many years and this has never been the issue to get u sick. Why are investigators making such a big deal about it, i mean it may not be goo to drink all those pharmaceuticals but it hasn't killed us. These pharmaceuticals could probably help us with are help but we will see what scientist have to say after they have investigated the "Drinking Water" more....

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


“Always hungry?” what does this bring to your mind? Of coarse food, which then usually attracts overweight or obese males and females; as America continues to grow, it’s more common to see overweight and obese people. I’m a current nursing student, as I mentioned in my letter, I felt that letting the editor know that would help increase my letter to get published. I though a one hundred and thirty words would be perfect for this article to be published. I am also very concerned about our nations health and what problems is has and will continue to occur, which then leads to why I choose to write towards “Always hungry?”
My anticipated audience is for people that should start living a health lifestyle before other complications occur to their body. I’m not only targeting overweight or obese people, I’m also targeting people who feel they need to lose weight and be healthier. Just because overweight or obese people are the main target to this letter doesn’t mean I’m trying to put them down or make fun of them I’m simply giving them an example that it really does work to drink soy and whey protein shakes/bars.
A great way to start living a healthier lifestyle, losing weight, and maintaining that healthy life style; is to start by drinking these proteins shakes. As I have proved by using my brother as evidence to support my claim. I had not only encouraged him to drink soy and whey protein shakes/bars, but he even started eating healthier. What I did mention to him was that it would help him look slimmer and be healthier. He just need someone to motivate him. He exercised for about forty-five minutes a day and drank the shakes as directed.
Soy and whey protein shakes help with the metabolic cycle, which helps speed it up. With the help of exercise and perhaps better nutrition will amplify the results to help keep the weight off. It’s not a miracle worker but could help prevent a lot of other complication that occur in overweight and obese people, such as diabetes, cancer, kidney disease, etc. Plus, soy and whey protein shake are good for other reasons too, as they also help your hair, nails, and even your skin.
I hope to influence people everyday to take control of their weight, I know it’s not easy but you have to at least make an attempt for any results. My brother once said, “I don’t have time and plus it probably doesn’t work.” Now he says different cause he made time for himself since he had some words of encouragement. My advice is that it won’t hurt to try but it will hurt not to try. By chance if people decide to drink soy and whey protein shakes, make sure you get at least a thirty minute work out a day to make it effective. Take control of your weight; don’t let it take control of you.

Letter To The Editor

Dear Editor,

Upon reading the magazine First, my attention was caught by the article “Always hungry?” I am a current nursing student at Gateway Community College; I’m studying health and nutrition. Soy and whey protein shakes and bars do work very efficiently with daily exercise. In fact my brother is currently drinking soy and whey protein shakes. I advised him to lose weight before other complications take place in his body such as, kidney disease, cancer, high blood pressure, or even diabetes. Although the protein shakes have helped my brother lose fifteen pounds in the past five weeks, he has mentioned he feels a lot better about him self, he even looks slimmer. Along with his shakes he has a forty-five minute work out everyday which make the protein shakes/bars work more efficiently.


Response To Some Hopes and Concerns

This may be a good way to let others know what and/or how we are thinking. what i hope to get out of these bog entries are at least some knowledge and perhaps a new way too create a piece of although i might say that having a blog that everyone/anyone can see is weird...but i guess that's the point of this whole experiment. As mentioned in class and on the blogs, anyone can read this and how shall we know who writes something...should we believe everything we hear and see...umm no. but i guess we can express our own opinions about certain subjects and we can also see what our classmates responses are but although a great majority of us are new at this, i think it will be a great experience for everyone.

Monday, January 28, 2008


my first blog ever! took 19 years just to get one.