Wednesday, February 27, 2008


“Always hungry?” what does this bring to your mind? Of coarse food, which then usually attracts overweight or obese males and females; as America continues to grow, it’s more common to see overweight and obese people. I’m a current nursing student, as I mentioned in my letter, I felt that letting the editor know that would help increase my letter to get published. I though a one hundred and thirty words would be perfect for this article to be published. I am also very concerned about our nations health and what problems is has and will continue to occur, which then leads to why I choose to write towards “Always hungry?”
My anticipated audience is for people that should start living a health lifestyle before other complications occur to their body. I’m not only targeting overweight or obese people, I’m also targeting people who feel they need to lose weight and be healthier. Just because overweight or obese people are the main target to this letter doesn’t mean I’m trying to put them down or make fun of them I’m simply giving them an example that it really does work to drink soy and whey protein shakes/bars.
A great way to start living a healthier lifestyle, losing weight, and maintaining that healthy life style; is to start by drinking these proteins shakes. As I have proved by using my brother as evidence to support my claim. I had not only encouraged him to drink soy and whey protein shakes/bars, but he even started eating healthier. What I did mention to him was that it would help him look slimmer and be healthier. He just need someone to motivate him. He exercised for about forty-five minutes a day and drank the shakes as directed.
Soy and whey protein shakes help with the metabolic cycle, which helps speed it up. With the help of exercise and perhaps better nutrition will amplify the results to help keep the weight off. It’s not a miracle worker but could help prevent a lot of other complication that occur in overweight and obese people, such as diabetes, cancer, kidney disease, etc. Plus, soy and whey protein shake are good for other reasons too, as they also help your hair, nails, and even your skin.
I hope to influence people everyday to take control of their weight, I know it’s not easy but you have to at least make an attempt for any results. My brother once said, “I don’t have time and plus it probably doesn’t work.” Now he says different cause he made time for himself since he had some words of encouragement. My advice is that it won’t hurt to try but it will hurt not to try. By chance if people decide to drink soy and whey protein shakes, make sure you get at least a thirty minute work out a day to make it effective. Take control of your weight; don’t let it take control of you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey, thanks for spreading awarenes about food and nutrition. it is very important to watch what we eat which people rarely do. now a days, food companies manufature foods that cause people to be overweight on purpose. i think that the overweight situation in American is dangerous although the media exaggerates about it to sale more weightloss products.